The manual here only for this batch Voron V0 kit (order between at 2020.5.31-2020.6.15), Thanks for your trust.
There is a list in the package.
When the package arrived, please check the list for all things, if something missing,
please contact with me at the first time, both Aliexpress / Discord / Email are OK.
Some items may be in BMG kits or SKR boxes.
For building it , you need some tools/parts,
Including but not limited to:
1.Inner hexagon spanner (From 0.8-5mm)
2.Electric iron
3.Crimping pliers
4.Some terminal block (Needle and fork)
5.Cross screwdriver
6.Nylon Tie
Check whether the aluminum profile , build plate and MGN9H rail are in good condition
There may be some wear on the surface of aluminum profile during shipping.
Check linear guide, I’m sure our linear guide is better than CNA/other OEM .
If there’s any problem, please contact us at first .
Check electronic products, (Raspberry 3B+, Skir mini e3, Meanwell 24V 100W, DC-DC)
About Heater Bed:
The thick two wires are power wires
The thin two wires are the NTC 100K wires
Don’t get them wrong!
About NEMA14 Stepper:
The longer one is for the z stepper (0.3-0.5A is OK),
and the other three are for XYE. (0.4A)
a few of packages only have one model of steppers, this is normal
The shaft of the motor is slightly short, Part of the synchronizing wheel may be suspended, But also can use, Be careful when you install the GT2 pulley
About SSR:
There are 3 pins on SSR (DC+,DC-,CH1), Follow this pic .
Yello => CH1
White => DC-
Red => DC+
- maybe the yellow die springs are a bit bigger, the hole needs to be bigger
- rubber feet are a bit small, but also can work
- If it’s hard to pass kfl08 through the lead screw, try to use sandpaper
- a few of packages missing steppers wire, have been resent
There are some small imperfections in the packages:
- No MircoFit/SM connectors in kit, V0 is small enough, I havn’t use them in mine.
- Maybe you need a Braided tube to manage wire
If you meet any trouble , please contact me .