About us

We are a company founded in 2020, dedicated to providing high-quality 3D printer and maker accessories.

At First


Like you, I am also a enthusiast. Since 2010, I have been involved in programming, UAV, RC, keyboards, robot, and 3D printing. I used to work at an internet company first, then joined an industrial robotics company, where I was exposed to 3D printing.

Story of MagicPhoenix

Things have changed.

When I decided to build my own printer, it was just at the beginning of the pandemic, and that’s when I first came across VORON, which was at version 2.2 at the time. In that era, VORON was absolutely groundbreaking. “I must build it,” I told myself, and then joined the VORON community. Then I knew how difficult it was for sourcing parts during the pandemic, and realized that I could do more. This is the origin of MagicPhoenix. At that time it called MagicStudios.


Distinctive Voron Kits

Unlike other manufacturers, our kit is not simply about putting everything from the BOM in a box and sending it to you. Instead, it involves a great deal of careful consideration and includes additional items that we believe are worthwhile. In our kit, you can find Canbus toolhead, tap, a very tidy electronic bay, full-size heated bed, and even packaging designed according to the assembly order.

If you are going to build a Voron, you've got to be pretty geeky. Its a geek's dream to build one of these machines and its pretty clear that Magic Phoenix gets that. This is clearly a kit that is put together by someone who knows how to build things. From the high quality parts, to the spares and adding in things that you may not even think of, and you have all the ingredients for success. Shipping was fast, support during shipping was great and the kit was better than expected. First prints rolled off this weekend and it has surpassed all expectations. Given the quality of the design and the parts supplied, I expect this thing to last a lifetime, but if I ever do need to build another Voron, there is only one supplier I will be looking at.
- Sean Walsh
If you're looking to build a Voron v2.4 R2, stop looking at other kits. MPX is the answer. First time Voron builder and this kit is AWESOME.... One of the things that sets MPX apart from other big, well-known vendors is that MPX actually designs some of their own parts to give you the option of doing things a bit more clean than "official Voron". As an example, if you go with the Canbus option you will receive a Y-endstop that is already built on a PCB. This endstop has a custom part on MPX's Github that fits in perfectly to the Voron A motor mounts, and the PCB has an integrated NTC thermistor that can be used as a chamber temperature sensor..... Seriously, stop shopping around and just go with MPX. You will not regret it.
- Alex Nichols
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